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Doyon School Spring and Summer Happenings 2017

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D.A.R.E. at Doyon

Sgt. Kmiec and Ptl. Woodworth of the Ipswich Police Department are working with our 1st and 3rd Grade teachers to start a new D.A.R.E. program at Doyon this year. Although D.A.R.E. stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education, the new “Keepin’ it Real” elementary program focuses on making good decisions. This new program includes interactive lessons that present stories meant to help kids make smart decisions about being honest, safe and responsible in different situations. For example, a recent 1st grade lesson (see video below) taught our students about being aware of things and people around them when they are outside and making smart decisions. Another 1st grade lesson was about making smart decisions during an emergency including how to call 911. In addition to the actual D.A.R.E. lessons, Sgt. Kmiec and Ptl. Woodworth want to build relationships with our students so they feel comfortable approaching them in or out of school. On lesson days, Sgt. Kmiec and Ptl. Woodworth go to...

SLT Kickoff Meeting

We had a strong interest in Student Leadership Team for the 2015-16 school year with just over 100 students in fourth and fifth grade participating. Our kickoff meeting this week focused on group brainstorming and activities around what it means to be a good leader. Thanks to all the teachers who volunteered to be a part of this program and help our students uncover their leadership potential!

Global Cardboard Challenge

Many Doyon classrooms participated in the annual Global Cardboard Challenge Day on October 6th. Inspired by the Caine's Arcade short film students made their own arcade games. Our library and classrooms were overrun with cardboard!